I Can’t Do Yoga …
02 Jan 2021 | By Yoga by Joni
I can’t do yoga is the most common response I hear when I tell people I teach yoga. Then follows the usual reasons, I’m not flexible, I’m out of shape, I’m too old or even yoga is boring. Well, if you can breath, you can do yoga. Yoga is about the breath, yes there are yoga poses but focusing on your breath is first and foremost. If you sit in child’s pose and focus on your breath, you are doing yoga. Yoga isn’t about twisting yourself into a pretzel. Its about being mindful, moving with purpose and breathing calmly in our yoga postures, no matter how simple or advanced a posture may be.
You do not have to be flexible or young to practice yoga, in fact, that is the reason you need yoga is to bring back the flexibility, stength and balance we have lost as we age. A consistent yoga practice will make you more flexible, strengthen your core, which makes you less injury prone and just feeling better all around. Yoga is the perfect exercise for all ages.
You’re out of shape, it happens to the best of us. Don’t just give up and say I can’t, say I can try. Yoga is the perfect way to ease yourself into better shape. It’s low impact, meets you where you are at and slowly eases you into better shape. You won’t even realize its happening, not only will you improve your physical self, your mental health will benefit as well.
Some people say, yoga is boring. Find the type of yoga that suits you. There are so many different forms of yoga, from the most basic breathwork, slow yin classes to hot powerful yoga classes. Regardless of what you chose, if you are committed, you will see the benefits.
You can do yoga, you just have to make the choice that you deserve the self care to your mind, body and soul. Results are not immediate, like any good thing in life, you will need to be dedicated and committed and you will be amazed at the results. Give it a try, relax and just breath.